Welcome to Guitars4You


My name is Mark Hopkin and I own Guitars4You – To new web site visitors, then I offer a warm welcome– To regular visitors, I’m still here, albeit I’m moving towards a semi-retired mode – Having spent over 45 years buying and selling many fine guitars, it inevitably means age is catching up with me – As such, some form of  retirement is now a lot closer than I’d wish for – Granted, it hasn’t exactly been hard work, spending so much of my life surrounded by so many wonderful guitars – So be it a job, a hobby, or a pension, I still wish guitars to be part of me and my life – However I can no longer offer the same level of commitment, both time or financial, towards running Guitars4You –  With that in mind, it is time to make some changes –  Mail order will still be available as required, but showroom visits are now strictly by a prior appointment only, as I’m no longer in the showroom on a 9-5 basis, 5 days a week – I’ll continue to operate my web site, along with select guitar listings on the Reverb platform – My existing showroom, in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, will morph towards a man cave, with a work bench, along with a small viewing area, for as and when required, plus an appropriate storage area for guitars/cases – I’ll continue to exhibit at various guitars shows throughout the UK – Currently I’m booked in for around 15 shows within the next 12 months – Changes will mean a decrease in stock level, but quality, not quantity has been my policy for a while now – In short I wish to continue with a legit business, although Guitars4You will morph from a Limited Company, to a sole trader in due course – I still wish to buy and sell fine used guitars, albeit more of a hobby, with an additional pension income,  rather than a full time business

There is no time schedule towards such changes, so  I’m not in a hurry to sell existing stock in some kind of ‘closing down’ sale 

I personally answer every phone call, plus reply to every e-mail inquiry, but I apologies if replies, at times, are no longer instant – But I will always be back in touch, sooner rather than later, so please bear with me

I would like to thank all customers for their help and support over the years – For the many that have become more than just a customer, then I would like to thank you for your friendship, with all the talk and chatter that goes with it, so please keep in touch – Finally many thanks for giving me the opportunity to spend such an enjoyable time working within the guitar business – Very best wishes – Mark Hopkin

An express mail order service  is still available as required

Sales + Enquiries – Please call 01335-345777 – 9am to 7pm – Monday to Saturday

E-mail :- mark@guitars4you.co.uk

Showroom visits – By appointment only